Great moments
All the great moments are good
Registered in the collective calendar, such as Christmas, or linked to a personal event, a move, entry into professional life, convalescence...
Great moments are all wonderful occasions to compose and offer a Bouquet of Words.
This is possible under 2 necessary and sufficient conditions :
- That you give it to someone who really matters
- That you do not intend to please, but to please extremely !
Be careful, be ready, you will be extremely happy

A gift in the spirit of Christmas, magical, full of intentions and sharing
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Retirement, key people
Celebrating the departure of people who have been important to the company is a great opportunity to please and build the corporate culture.
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40 years anniversary
40 years told by all the entourage of the celebrated person...
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50 years anniversary
Celebrating 50 years, the opportunity to celebrate, together, half a century of sharing, smiling and envy !
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Wedding, Angie and Tim
A gift for a couple who chose not to file a wedding list
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