A rare opportunity to formalize together what we have appreciated in a collaboration. Searching for the words to say what we rarely take the time to express constitutes a rich and lasting experience for the receiver and the participants.
A real collective pleasure to compose it for the participants, a big surprise to accompany this great change of life
“An emotional and personalized gift offered for a retiring colleague who hit the mark! Collection of lots of words, memories that touched him enormously, not to mention that the word board is of high quality. Superb original gift”, Florence R.
“We liked the experience: the way of filling in the words/sentences, the effort of synthesis, the exercise of racking our brains… Happy with the final result, it was a good surprise for all of us!” Nathalie T.

Retirement, key people
Celebrating the departure of people who have been important to the company is a great opportunity to please and build the corporate culture.
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Retirement, teacher
After years invested with students and in a teaching team, it is precious to rely on a Bouquet of Words to search in your memory and share all these moments experienced.
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Retirement, manager
The retirement of an executive, a key moment for both the person and the company
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Retirement, 30 years of career
After 30 years of career at Layher France, all the teams celebrated the retirement from France
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